48 Days To The Work You Love

The Best Way to Predict Your Future Is to Create it!

How Was Work For You Today? Was It Awesome?

Good chance it wasn't.

A Gallup survey found over 70% of people are not happy with their work. That’s a lot of unhappy people punching the time clock every day.

A lot of people think that it’s impossible to find or create work they love. After all, work is the ultimate four-letter word.

I feel you! I was you! For a long time I was in a corporate career and when I shared my dream of doing work I love, I repeatedly heard:

“Why would you give up what you have? Just put in your time until you can retire and then you can do what you want".

Wonder how I got into your head with those thoughts and excuses?

It is because I have had them, all of them, and some more and I had a magical career many people dream and wish for.

But, I had another dream I couldn’t wait a zillion years to achieve. Enough with the excuses. It was time to CHOOSE, PLAN and ACT and stop putting it off. it is even better than I imagined and I often wonder why did I wait so long?

I found how to overcome the void, the thoughts, excuses and moved to doing work I love , that I have been dreaming about for years and I want to help others do the same. That is why I do this workshop. You are not "stuck" doing what you know and are currently doing. You have dreams lets make them happen because doing what you love is awesome! It would be an honor to support you on your journey.

And now you have a choice to make too.


What if you were no longer swimming in a sea of excuses, being overwhelmed on where to even begin finding work you love, and doubting why anyone would want to hire you? Psst.... Let me tell you they do because you are awesome!

Imagine if you were clear and confident on the value you bring employers, had an updated resume, and ready to WOW in interviews? Yes, you!


In this workshop, I help you to discover your skills, abilities, personality, values, dreams, passions, and apply them to your work through a proven process that has helped thousands (and me) do just that!


  • Understand your career calling based on your awesomeness* and work that fits your unique personality
  • Clarify your goals for not only your career but in six other areas (Emotional, Physical, Financial, Social, Spiritual and Family)
  • Focus and better prioritize your time so you can create balance in your life to reach your dreams
  • Discover ways to reduce internal and external stress and discouragement so you can move towards your work you love
  • Learn how to navigate the changes in the workplace including the constant changing job market
  • Update your resume to reflect you, your strengths, skills and uniqueness you bring and build confidence when interviewing with companies that get you
  • Explore options outside the traditional 9 to 5 and side hustles
  • Learn, grow, and have fun!

This online workshop is designed for dreamers of doing work they love of all ages, academic backgrounds, and work experiences. The workshop is six-weeks in length (48 Days) and built with busy people in mind! Complete your program anytime, day or night, based on your schedule through organized and focused self-paced activities, daily trackers, and accountability.

The Details



Do you ever feel like all you do is just sleep, work, binge a little tv, and repeat with little time to do anything else? You are off. Not getting to do the things that are important to you and you actually want to do you because there is too much other “stuff” going on and you are just tired.

In this lesson, you are going to stop those out of control feelings and:

  • Take your dreams, add an actionable plan to it and create your new future.
  • Recognize that work is not your LIFE. It is just one aspect of you and it doesn’t define what makes you awesome.
  • Reclaim balance of your priorities and learn to be the best version of yourself in the seven areas of life (Personal Development, Family, Career, Social, Financial, Spiritual, Physical)


There is a pretty good chance you have changed your cell phone more recently than you have your mindset about work. Working a job until retirement with benefits for life is a thing of the past. The work environment has change and many of us are in denial. Stuck in our outdated thinking of where true security comes from. Psst..It is not from a job or company.

In this lesson, you will focus on your mindset and look inward to:

  • Discover and overcome the obstacles that are keeping you back from your awesome and dream work.
  • Build confidence and security in you! Your skills, abilities and what you have to offer.
  • How to protect yourself from the negatives in your life so you can move towards the life and work you want.


Ever wake you and wonder who am I? What am I doing and how did I get here? Ever feel like your life is not your own and this is not what even thought it would be? Here’s the thing, if you don’t plan your life and how you spend your time, there are so many people that will jump in and do it for you.

In this lesson, you will take control of your life/work and:

  • Discover what influences you and learn to be the one planning your life
  • Set clear and achievable goals so you where you are headed versus letting things just happen and reacting.
  • Gain confidence in getting what you want for your life by knowing and owning what makes you awesome. Your:
  1. Skills and abilities
  2. Your personality tendencies
  3. Your values, dreams, and passions


Have you noticed that is seems jobs you see posted are already filled by the time you get your resume together and post for it? Or that you didn’t even know that job was open and you found out by a Linkedin profile update? Darn it! That is because 87% of jobs available don’t even hit postings. If that is the case what to even do? In this lesson, you will:

  • Discover the secrets to finding the 87% of unadvertised jobs
  • Come to grips with what you can and cannot control in your job search
  • Learn a job search process that works and I am not talking using pink scented paper for your resume
  • Bust the common resume myths that are holding you back
  • Build a resume that gets interviews with the employers you choose


Do interviews stress you out? We will take out the guess work on what to wear, when to show, up, what to bring, what to prepare, and what to say so you show off your awesomeness and what you can bring to the job. In this lesson, you will learn to shine like the diamond you are because the world is waiting for you. Learn how to:

  • Make a great first impression by knowing yourself, how to show up, and exit
  • Discover and be prepared for the 5 Interview Questions that matter and questions you can ask when asked “any questions for us”?
  • Learn strategies to guide you to the right time to discuss salary and tips to negotiate salary


I am sure you have probably experienced some massive change in how you work. Jobs and work are changing so fast. Remember sending faxes or having a pager? Things are moving so quickly. 65% off jobs haven’t even been invented yet! There are so many choices in how and what we do for work today and it is just getting started. The future is pretty exciting for employees and entrepreneurs. In this lesson, you will:

  • Recognize the many work option possibilities you have to choose from that fit you best and how to move forward pursing them with confidence
  • Explore options for full time, side hustle, extra income opportunities both big and small you have available
  • If you have even thought of starting a business, learn your entrepreneurial tolerance
  • Recognize and celebrate your progress you are making towards the work you love as you are nearing the end of your 48 Days journey!

Online Workshop Inclusions:


All 48 Days to the Work You Love seminars include your own 48 Days workshop participant kit arriving in 1-3 business days upon completion of your enrollment which includes:

☑ A copy of the 10th anniversary edition of 48 Days to the Work You Love that has helped thousands move towards finding work they love in just 48 Days.

☑ 48 Day step by step action with the 48 Days to the Work You Love Application Guide created exclusively for this updated workshop.

☑ Access to the 48 Days DISC Personality Career Profile to discover your strengths at work and use them to discover work you love.

☑ A copy of The Rudder of the Day by Dan Miller. It’s a daily motivational book of stories, wisdom and inspiration to start your day on a positive, uplifting note.


In addition to the above participant kit, Choose Awesome Presents 48 Days to the Work You Love workshop is excited to offer these exclusives and bonuses:

☑ Lifetime access to the Choose Awesome online workshop site which includes companion curriculum to the participant kit from my own 48 Days journey including:

  • 20+ short video “bursts” quick insights, bursts of knowledge to encourage your success and keep you moving forward.
  • 10 + exclusive “boosts” worksheets, resources, and tools I have used myself and with clients on our journey.

★★ Bonus: A special publication from Success Magazine on the YouEconomy, the movement that’s changing the way we work.

★★ Bonus: Ongoing community and support. Immediate access to an exclusive Facebook group where you can get support, share ideas and share your journey with others.

★★ Bonus: Complete resume review with one round of edit suggestions.

Your Instructor

Rebecca Morgan
Rebecca Morgan

Hi! I'm Rebecca Morgan!

My mission is to change the world by awakening the sense of choice we all have in life, how we lead and run businesses.

I have created magic for years for one of the most admired, creative, and multi-faceted companies in the world, The Walt Disney Company. I have had 13 unique careers within Theme Parks and Resorts, Consumer Products, International, and Studio Entertainment that took me to Florida, California, Hawaii, and Shanghai, where I enjoyed a bit of celebrity...

I was honored to have received a life-time achievement award before I was 30, Partners in Excellence. It is the Disney equivalent of an Academy Award. Actually, more like an EGOT as it recognizes excellence in 3 areas: business results, employee excellence, and customer satisfaction.

My gut—along with proven academic research and years of fine-tuning strategies with my own experience in leadership, psychology, education, business, and what I continue to learn and discover—tells me a leader's purpose is to inspire and lift up those we have the honor to work with and that is how you create success. Oh, and that it is possible to enjoy ourselves at work like we do when we are not at work.


I also believe every day we have a choice. To be awesome or you know...not to be awesome.

Awesome= Inspiring AWE*

I want to help you make your own magic.

I work with individuals and small businesses to create the environment, experiences, and leadership that awe.

When I am not collecting degrees (I hold a Ph.D. in Education, a MBA with a focus on Quality Management, a BA in Psychology, an AA in Liberal Arts) or posting pics of my retired ex-racing greyhound Landon—also known as LL Cool Grey—I am reading, traveling, hiking, or watching TV, which I do to support the local economy here in LA.

If you have made it this far. A little bit more about me...

  • I love Dolly Parton, George Michael, Elvis, Sir Tom Jones, Sandra Bernhard, and my Peloton bike.
  • Was the only girl on a Little League team
  • Been President of a HOA
  • Peanut butter cups & gummy bears are my weaknesses

Workshop Curriculum

Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week Seven: Thank You & Additional Resources
Available in days
days after you enroll
  ★ ★ Bonuses★ ★
Available in days
days after you enroll

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this just for people who are unemployed?
This program is for anyone who wants to be happier in their daily lives – not just work! Studies show 8 out of 10 people seek to do something different with their lives. 48 Days To The Work You Love believes that work should and can be about more than taking home a paycheck. It is about finding the perfect, personal, emotionally and spiritually fit for you and that includes significant inward-looking exercises and processes to encourage your growth potential. The workshop can help those who are unemployed or unhappy in their current work situation, but everyone can expect to gain meaningful insights from the exploratory exercises. This workshop is much more than refining your resume and conducting a job search (which is part of the process). We will explore setting attainable and stretch goals, creating your personal mission statement, and identifying ways to succeed in all areas of your life. You are more than just an employee. Interestingly, some workshop participants have been surprised to learn and receive the affirmation and confidence that they are already doing what they are best suited to do in their current position. What an affirmation! Others have expressed what they gained from the workshop had less to do with their career and everything to do with addressing their personal life balance and how they had prioritized the other six areas of their lives: Emotional, Physical, Financial, Social, Spiritual and Family. And many have recognized that the critical personality profile helped them understand how and why they act/react the way they do – that has been a big eye-opener for many. The bottom line is this: The experience on which you are about to embark is more than a career transition workshop. This can be the impetus for a life-changing perspective that can inspire you to see the many opportunities that lie before you, no matter where they are in life! And the fact that those areas don’t have to be siloed from one another; in fact, they work together when they are thoughtfully enmeshed to create a satisfying, fulfilling life.
With all the career workshops, programs, coaches out there why should I pick yours?
Imagine the world where everyone is doing awesome work that is personally meaningful. Am I the right person for you and are you the right participant for me? Thousands have trusted their career path to the time-tested, proven strategies of the 48 Days to The Work You Love program, and I am one of them. I am honored to be a recognized facilitator of the complete program – that’s how much I believe it helped me and can help you, too. Through my personal growth experience with the course and many years plodding through the corporate world, I am excited to share the insights, resources and tools I have learned along my journey with you in this enhanced edition. Perhaps no one course can satisfy everyone’s wants and needs, but the success of this particular program for thousands makes me believe it can work for you if you invest your time, heart and effort into doing the exploratory work required.
How long will it take me to complete Choose Awesome Presents 48 Days To The Work You Love Workshop?
Choose Awesome presents 48 Days To The Work You Love Workshop is designed to be a six-week course, or 48 days as the name implies. However, it is self-paced in nature, so you may work ahead if you like. Many exercises, though, require contemplative thought so avoid the temptation to run through them. Take the time to be thorough in your responses so you get the most out of the course offerings as this is a growth process for you.
A few years ago I attended an in-person 48 Days Seminar. Is this the same content?
In 2015, the 10th anniversary edition of 48 Days To The Work You Love was released. This updated, refreshed course features approximately 60 percent new content, and you’re in a different place than you were then, so revisiting some of your prior responses will shed light on your growth. With the release of that new edition, the 48 Days team redesigned the seminars to include a 260-page application guide, supporting materials and more. Even if you started or completed the course in the past, you will notice updated content in this enhanced edition to make your quest more fulfilling.
How long will it take to receive the materials and what is included?
You should receive your Workshop Participant Kit via Priority Mail one to three business days after your paid enrollment. Upon completing your order, you have immediate access to all contents on the workshop website and can start on the content immediately if you wish, before your Workshop Participant Kit arrives. Your Workshop Participant kit includes everything you need to unlock who you are and how to position yourself for your greatest success, including: -Your copy of the 10th anniversary edition of 48 Days To The Work You Love. -The 48 Days To The Work You Love Application Guide created exclusively for this updated workshop. -Access to the 48 Days DISC Personality Career Profile used to discover your strengths at work and use them to find or create work you love. -A copy of The Rudder of the Day by Dan Miller. It’s a daily motivational book of stories, wisdom, and inspiration to start your day on a positive, uplifting note. -Choose Awesome Exclusive: A special publication from Success Magazine on the YouEconomy.
How is this workshop different than Dan Miller’s 48 Days To The Work You Love online seminar?
Choose Awesome Presents 48 Days Workshop is built on Dan’s 48 Days To The Work You Love framework– with his blessing. Regardless of who, how, and where the program is taught, the basic participant kit and process is the same. The difference in Choose Awesome's workshop are enhancements of stories, additional tools and resources to aid and enrich your journey from your facilitators experience personally and with clients. Along with exclusive complementary material such as Success Magazine’s supplement on the YouEconomy, a private Facebook community and exclusives bonuses only avilable with Choose Awesome's workshop
Why do I need the workshop? Can't I just read the book?
You can read the book and follow the steps outlined to find or create work you love in 48 days. That has worked for many and I did it that way myself. But here's the thing ... I discovered that support, encouragement, community and validation during my journey would have been helpful, welcome additions. In this enhanced program, you will receive the workshop and strategies broken down into weekly assignments along with a daily checklist in the application guide to keeping you focused, motivated, on task, and schedule. I will also share with you my personal insights and additional resources from my own journey of discovery. Plus, you will have access to fellow travelers on this journey and me in our exclusive Facebook group. It’s a great place to go for that additional motivation when you need a helping hand. We are all here to inspire one another!
How much time should I commit each week?
Plan to invest at least 30 minutes a day for the next 48 days to see your dreams unfold and come to life, and experience the exhilarating joy of finding work you LOVE. If you are unable to commit to that, this program may not be for you. You will get out of it what you put in!
How long will I have access to the online workshop?
You will have access to Choose Awesome Presents 48 Days To The Work You Love online workshop for the lifetime of the workshop.
Once I complete the program, how long will I have access to the exclusive Facebook group for continued support?
Like with the Choose Awesome workshop site you will have lifetime access to the Facebook Group and I hope you share your journey, insights, and experience with others as an alumni of the program.
What if I don’t find a job in 48 days?
This workshop isn’t a magic formula or a guarantee, but it is a proven process. You must commit to do the personal exploratory, contemplative work. But when you follow and commit to the steps, we believe you will find work that is meaningful, purposeful, and profitable. This is a practical process and journey that may need to be adapted to the realities of your life. It may take less than 48 days or it may take more. The end goal is what to keep in mind rather than the days on a calendar.
I noticed the 48 Days book was published by a Christian book publisher. What if I don’t identify as a Christian?
Regardless of your spiritual background or religious inspirations, we all have one thing in common: We want to discover or create work that we love. Dan Miller approaches this journey from a biblical world view and as such, he shares spiritual, biblical, and stories based in other belief systems. The objective is to learn and assimilate the valuable lessons; his chosen sources are simply vehicles to help convey the messages. This isn’t about conversion to a singular belief system, nor is it one-sided, preaching, disapproving, or attempting to spread a particular spiritual/religious message, other than helping you open up your life to explore it from all angles to help you find work you love and what matters to you. Miller is sharing his approach which you can shape however you like to help you understand the inspirations offered. If you find a reference that is less than comfortable, mold it to suit your preferences. If you have additional concerns, please contact me.
What is your refund policy?
If you commit to the work, you will see results; if you don't, you won't. If you are not satisfied for any reason, you may return your Welcome Box materials within 30 days of enrollment for a full refund of the purchase price (excluding shipping). Just send me an email at [email protected] and we will try our best to resolve the issue. I believe in this program – as do many others – and I want you to be happy with it. It requires personal exploration, which can be uncomfortable, but I encourage you to stay with it to achieve real, lasting results.

Testimonials from 48 Days To The Work You Love Participants

“48 Days” has re-awakened dreams for me. Now I better understand my personality style and know that I can shape my on opportunities based on what’s important to me” – Stephanie

“While I am confident that I am full of great ideas, the course “48 Days to the Work You Love” inspired me to take action. – Marc

“I have had several business ideas and a desire to have my own business. But I wasn’t equipped to make it happen. This class has helped me with the drive and motivation I need and the tools to make my dreams come true.” – Alicia

“This class has inspired me to step out of the box and look for new opportunities. For a long time I have felt frustrated at what I was doing. The class has given me a new outlook and the tools to start searching for a more fulfilling job.” – Steve

Get started now!